At GlassEnery, we assist daily in the responsibility of helping commercial building owners and property managers find new ways to increase the energy efficiency, security, and aesthetic
appeal of your building(s). 3M Corporation has been manufacturing energy efficient solar & security window films for all types of curtain wall glass for over 50 years.

3M Window Films reduce solar heat gain during the hot summer months helping to reduce AC costs and can also lower the U-value for better insulation during cold winter months by reducing
heat loss. Ask us how we can convert single pane glass into double pane glass, double pane glass into triple pane glass, and make non-Low E glass perform exactly like Low E glass at a fraction
of the cost to replace with new glass!

3M Solar Control Window Films can achieve the following-

  • Reduce utility bills by up to 15%
  • Reduce interior building temperatures by up to 16°F
  • Obtain up to 11 LEED points
  • Improve ENERGY STAR® Portfolio Manager™ Score by up to 10 points
  • 3M Window Films are usually eligible for rebates and custom incentives from power co.

If you’re thinking of upgrades to your current HVAC system, consider improving the efficiency of your current glass first. Often window film enhancements alone can reduce enough loads thus
offsetting the costs for additional upgrades or tonnage. By creating a more efficient building envelope, you may in some cases downsize your HVAC units, enabling you to maximize the
lifespan and investment of existing equipment while lowering monthly operating costs.

The weakest part of any building is its glass. 3M Safety & Security Films help reduce the threat of glass breakage due to violent weather events such as tornadoes, hurricanes and earthquakes.
With the increased risk of terrorism and school shootings 3M Security films can give you peace of mind and extra time to make it to safety during such an event. Protect What Matters!
Retail stores worry no more! Reduce the chances for smash and grab burglaries. Help reduce tenant fears & merchandise loss by installing 3M Safety & Security Film on ground floor
windows. 3M Security films make it extremely difficult for an intruder to enter the space thus acting as a major deterrent.
As difficult as it may be to imagine, the threat of a bomb blast is more real today than ever before. Shockwaves can cause glass to implode in tiny high velocity projectiles causing major
threat to personal life and property. 3M Safety & Security Film can help hold glass in place from imploding and increase the safety of both those within the immediate vicinity.

How about a film that can re-direct the natural light into your work space while reducing the use and electrical consumption of traditional lighting? 3M’s new Daylight Redirecting Film allows you to simply apply to your existing curtain wall glass and in return redirect up to 80% of the sun’s light toward the ceiling and almost 40 feet into the building. Unlike light shelves or blinds, this film is a much more cost effective option and is always working 24/7 – no electricity required!

  • Redirects 80% of light up to the ceiling
  • Redirects natural light up to 40′ deep into the building
  • No additional maintenance or special cleaning needed
  • Extends daylight zone up to 8′ for every one foot of window treatment
  • Reduce up to 52% lighting costs compared to baseline consumption
  • Offers savings up to 1.5 kwh/sqft of floor area

3M Decorative glass films & Architectural sub-straight coverings are a popular and cost effective choice for commercial office space, hotels & restaurants. They provide a textured or sandblasted
glass feel & effect, at minimal cost to actual etched glass. Unlike etched glass, films are simple to clean and maintain. Customize colors, patterns and custom designs of your choice. The design
choices and possibilities are endless with hundreds of designs and textures to choose from.

  • Hundreds of patterns available
  • Easily cleaned and maintained
  • Custom designs for glass or sub-straights!
  • Distraction bands and conference room designs
  • Fraction of the cost of etched or sandblasted glass
  • Real etching weakens glass, etched films strengthen glass!
  • Using existing material means quick and efficient installation

    Build Type

    Material Type
    SecuritySolarDecorativeAnti GraffitiBullet Proof Glass and DoorsBullet Proof Partitions and Walls

    SecurityMarket /Channel PartnerHeatGlareEnergy SavingsPrivacy